
Full Version: Passed!
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The study material was spot on! My version of the test did not have any of the simulations, but I studied them just in case.  There were about 7ish drag and drop questions.

Thanks for the help and it was well worth the investment!
(06-17-2022, 01:29 PM)abschulze Wrote: [ -> ]The study material was spot on! My version of the test did not have any of the simulations, but I studied them just in case.  There were about 7ish drag and drop questions.

Thanks for the help and it was well worth the investment!
Hey there bro, congrats your success. If I may I'm taking it next month and was hoping for your enlighten on this How2pass site on what you recommend to hit very hard besides the questions and drag and drops. I see there is a recently updated questions. I'm open for all suggestions please and thank you. Cool