
Full Version: Questions update for ENCOR?
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The website shows there was no update to ENCOR questions since October 4, 2022:

Can you please check and let us know? Are the questions are still up to date with the current exam?

Thank you so much!
Ok, we are working on new questions and these will be added within a couple of days.
(02-18-2023, 08:16 AM)forumsupport Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, we are working on new questions and these will be added within a couple of days.

Thank you so much. :-)
We have added 12 new questions. We are working on four new simulations as well.
New simulations are now added.
We have added 20 new questions. The update is now complete.
Thank you so much. :-)

I will order next week when I will also start to learn for the ENCOR exam. 
