
Full Version: [False] BSCI 642-901 reteried, no more exams on 642-901
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Forum Admin,,, what happen,,, Can u comment on this? thnx

what is the roadmap of cisco without routing?
I have searched all sources and I personally think that this is a mistake. They always announce retirement date giving usually 90-180 days margin plus many users have passed this test in last week. How can they allow registering for an exam that retired in Aug 2008?

Cisco academies did not receive any notification or warning about this event. Pearson/VUE still accept orders for 642-901.

A press release from Cisco is expected on Monday that will clarify this issue.
Ye, it was a mistake on their web site, that is now fixed. BSCI 642-901 is a valid exam.


Thanks for the info... Smile