07-27-2009, 02:27 PM
(QID:S18) Testlet1 - Identify the path a packet takes in a network.
Question 1 of this Testlet confused me. The explanation of question 1 states that, "The destination address is the layer 3 broadcast address for the subnet, but a router discards broadcasts by default, therefore, RT1 will drop this packet because it is not a valid host address.
I understand that is an invalid host address, however it is the Broadcast address for the subnet connected to that router (RT1). Why would "RT1" drop it, instead of sending it out the LAN interface?
Question 1 of this Testlet confused me. The explanation of question 1 states that, "The destination address is the layer 3 broadcast address for the subnet, but a router discards broadcasts by default, therefore, RT1 will drop this packet because it is not a valid host address.
I understand that is an invalid host address, however it is the Broadcast address for the subnet connected to that router (RT1). Why would "RT1" drop it, instead of sending it out the LAN interface?