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  QID:NF58 - BGP configuration and the no synchronization command
Posted by: joshuad31 - 03-12-2010, 12:39 AM - Forum: CCNP ENARSI 300-410 Forum - Replies (3)


For the following question below you stated the correct answer is:
1. Subnets of do not exist in the BGP table.

However they would exist in the BGP table because the aggregate-address command works similarly to the network command in BGP.  It injects these routes into the BGP table but not the routing table.  the problem is that there would not be a ">" mark next to those routes indicating that they are the best routes because BGP cannot find these routes in the routing table propagated by an IGP. 

Thus the correct answer is:
5. The BGP command no synchronization is missing.

Please correct thanks!

59. (QID:NF58) During BGP configuration on a router that has peered with other BGP speakers, the BGP command "aggregate-address" is issued. However, the peers do not receive this aggregate network in BGP advertisements. Also, the router does not have this aggregate network in its BGP table. Which option indicates a possible reason this command did not cause the router to advertise the aggregate network to its peers?

1. Subnets of do not exist in the BGP table.
2. The BGP command no auto-summary is missing.
3. Interface NULL 0 is likely shutdown.
4. The IGP running on this router does not have network installed.
5. The BGP command no synchronization is missing.
6. The next hop IP address must be a loopback address.

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  external url references
Posted by: routermatrix - 03-11-2010, 10:50 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

This question is for the moderator(s) but any input would be great.  I'm wondering if its OK to use external URL references
for images and configurations when posing questions.  What I'm curious about is not so much Cisco white papers/RFCs etc
(I have seen these used before) but rather diagrams and configurations I have created in my own lab that relate to CCNP

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  How I passed my CCNA exam
Posted by: allcisco - 03-09-2010, 04:28 PM - Forum: General - No Replies

YES, I passed my CCNA!!  The purpose of this post is to share how I prepared, and to share what strategy worked for me.  Good luck to all those studying.

I took 3 main approaches, getting a good text book, doing the hardware labs, and thoroughly testing myself with practice exams.

1)Textbook-I recommend getting Todd Lammle's CCNA book.  It is thorough, and I felt he covered all topics that I actually saw come exam day.  And do the questions at the end of the chapters.  I read it twice to make sure I got it all.

2)Labs-Either get some of your own equipment, or buy a hardware simulator. I bought Wendel Odom's hardware sim, came with 250 labs, and was $150. I did all 250 labs, and felt comfortable on exam day as a result.  Kind of pricey, but not compared to real equipment.

3)Practice Exams-This step is key to being able to finish all the CCNA questions before your exam time is up. Even when you understand the topics, the questions can seem overwhelming on exam day if you have not been practicing.  I bought the exam simulator from myPowerPass (mypowerpass.com).  This simulator is an excellent way to get a feel for the exam and for the types of questions you will encounter. It is under $20, and doing their practice exams allowed me to know when I was really ready to schedule my CCNA exam. 

Best of luck.

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  Passed ICND1 March 6 2010
Posted by: mulcahyd - 03-07-2010, 05:18 AM - Forum: Exam Experience - No Replies

I passed my ICND1 today  after 2 attempts of not passing it.

CCENT certified. Few days onto studying for ICND2.

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  Passed today with score of 949
Posted by: ccnpstu - 03-06-2010, 09:46 PM - Forum: CCNP ENARSI 300-410 Forum - No Replies

Very happy person! All I can say is if you study your labs you should be okay. There were a couple of redistributiion questions that I stumbled on....and a question on the configuration of a GRE tunnel that was part of my preparation...and a question on DSL PPPoe.

Thanks for the help H2P!

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  15 Day Renewal?
Posted by: black143 - 03-05-2010, 11:02 AM - Forum: Site News & Issues - Replies (1)

Under the "membership information" section on the Members Area home, it indicates you can purchase 15 day extensions if you're almost ready to take the tests and don't need another 60 days.  However, when I go into the purchase test area, i don't see an option to purchase 15 days.  Am i missing something?  Should I be looking elsewhere?


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  passed 640-802 with 902
Posted by: 92cpe - 02-28-2010, 08:31 PM - Forum: Exam Experience - No Replies

Worth noting the nat sim was almost identical to the one here thanks h2p

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  Prepare the ccna 640-802 in one month
Posted by: evilbyteu - 02-28-2010, 11:31 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

Hello guys. I am a newbie in networking and I was following a course for the CCNA certification. I have realized even through this forum that the exam is tricky and looking the questions on this website I think that I don't know much.
I am preparing the emergency plan so I have got  "Cisco exploration guide 1-2-3-4", "31 days before the exam", "1000 exams questions for the CCNA" and the "how2pass.com questions".
I should prepare the exam in 4 weeks ? Does anyone think that is possible to pass it ? I know that it is up to me, but if I pass the score of the simulations with a good percentage there is a probability to pass it, I wish.
Thanks in advance.

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  Saw Lab sim on exam and couldn't do copy run start to save config
Posted by: ccnpstu - 02-26-2010, 01:41 PM - Forum: CCNP ENARSI 300-410 Forum - Replies (3)

I wrote BSCI yesterday. Saw virtual link question and stub/summarization question. I implemented solution and but couldn't save answer with copy running-config start-config. Any thoughts on what happened? Will test engine deny saving config until all conditions are met. Which I'm sure they were.


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  QID NA521
Posted by: pnug66 - 02-23-2010, 11:09 AM - Forum: Answer this question - Replies (2)

Which command shows the mac address of stations connected to switchports

You have the answer of Show ARP which maps ip addresses to mac addresses

Surely the answer is sh mac-address?

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